How to exchange USDCoin ERC20 USDC to Dash DASH?

The rate will be fixed after receiving the necessary confirmations of the USDCoin ERC20 transaction by the network. The fixation occurs depending on the rate deviation in the order to Binance, Kucoin exchanges. Recalculation is possible only in favor of the exchange office. Deviations may occur within the parser’s work time frame of 1-2 minutes.

Expected completion time: ~ 5 – 30 minutes after transaction confirmation.

We conduct AML checks in case of High Risk or connection to illegitimate sources, identity verification may be required. Funds may be blocked for connection with sanctioned exchanges.

Exchange rate: 22.666779 USDC = 1 DASH

min.: 500 USDC max.: 250000 USDC


min.: 22.0587142 DASH max.: 11029.3571 DASH

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How to exchange USDCoin ERC20 USDC to Dash DASH?
  1. Review the exchange information

  2. Fill in all form fields

  3. Enter a valid email to confirm changes, and click “Exchange”

  4. Accept the terms and click “Create order”

  5. Transfer the required amount as per the instructions on the website

  6. The systеm will show the order status on the “Status of order” page after payment

If you have any questions, please contact our support service: [email protected]

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